Good Karma (Warner Music)
Breakdown: Swedish group Roxette announced earlier this year that their touring days have come to an end, however, they’re sweetening the blow as they release their brand new tenth studio album ‘Good Karma’. ‘It Just Happens’ was released as the first single off the album.
How Many Good Tracks: 5 of the 11.
What I Liked: Roxette are still the same Roxette we fell in love with 30 years ago. The chemistry between Maria Fredriksson and Pers Gessle is evident and the two feed off each other which is great to see. Vocally the two are on top of their game and this time around the band gives their fans exactly what they’re used to – high energy pop tracks. Roxette try to modernize their sound which is something I must give them praise for.
What I Didn’t Like: This album, however, sounds like many of their previous albums and doesn’t see the band stepping out of their comfort zone. There are a few good tracks on the album but overall, the album disappoints. Although it has everything it needs to be a success, the songs just seem to miss the mark. Oh, and can they NEVER use autotune again? It’s not a sound that works for them.
Best Track: Why Don’tcha
Rating: 2/5
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