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Review: Dear Amy By Helen Callaghan

A fantastic story but, honestly, something was missing…

Margot Lewis is the agony aunt for The Cambridge Examiner. Her advice column, Dear Amy, gets all kinds of letters – but none like the one she’s just received:
Dear Amy,
I don’t know where I am. I’ve been kidnapped and am being held prisoner by a strange man. I’m afraid he’ll kill me.
Please help me soon,
Bethan Avery

Bethan Avery has been missing for nearly two decades. This is surely some cruel hoax. But, as more letters arrive, they contain information that was never made public. How is this happening? Answering this question will cost Margot everything…

Remarks: Helen Callaghan did a fantastic job writing this book. She did a lot of research and wrote in such a way that there is no way the reader doesn’t become invested in the characters. This is a very sad and a very intense book. This makes for brilliant reading and I often found myself reading for hours wanting to know more about the story. That being said, I did find myself losing focus and overall, I think there were parts to the story that could have been more consistent.

Rating: 3/5

Published By: Penguin Random House

Dear Amy is out now at all good book stores.

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