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Review: 4Werke – 4Warm

4Warm (Sony Music)

Breakdown: After two successful albums as 4Werke, Nicholas Louw, Ray Dylan and Eliza Theron are back with their third studio album ‘4Warm’. This time around, however, the line-up sees a bit of a shake-up as Liezel Pieters replaces Monique in the group.

How Many Good Tracks: 8 of the 14.

What I Liked: 4Werke have something special on their hands. The four compliment each other vocally and allow each other to shine on both an individual level and a group. Each of the voices in the group is so unique and different from the other but still sound beautiful when put together. The album is a mix of adult contemporary and pop and will appeal to a wide variety of Afrikaans music lovers. If you’re a fan of each individual artist or of the previous 4Werke albums, you’re going to really enjoy this one.

What I Didn’t Like: I can’t help but feel that the group played it a bit too safe. I feel the group has given us three albums of music that is almost too similar. The tracks all seem to follow a similar recipe and sound and, in all honesty, it makes the album a little bit boring. Yes, there are some good songs on the album but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.

Best Track: Jy Slaan Die Wind In My Seile

Rating: 3/5

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