I know a lot of you are going to judge me for this but this year was the first time I ever watched The Rocky Horror Show. And I’ve only seen the stage production – not the film. But when I watched the show earlier this year, I was amazed at how fantastic it was.
The show is back in Joburg after a sell-out season earlier this year as well as two sell out season’s in Cape Town. The cast are back and are in better shape than ever as they bring back this hilarious story to the Pieter Toerien Theatre at Montecasino.
Now, I’m not too familiar with this play as some of the die-hards that go but this time around, I swear it didn’t happen last time, the audience were shouting out words like ‘slut’ after Janet was mentioned and ‘asshole’ after Brad and even the narrator played along. It was really fun to see how involved the crowd got this time around and taking things to a new level even though they had participated packs.
Speaking of those packs, how effing fun are they? It’s simple stuff like throwing confetti and streamers and putting on gloves but it’s a clear reason as to why people have fell in love with the production so much.
The magic was definitely still there the second time around. The songs are great, the characters are amazing, and let’s not even talk about Brendan Van Rhyn. He played such an amazing Frank-N-Furter. He really is a star and ultimately, makes the show what it is. His one-liners to the audience are freaking hilarious as well. I also loved Riff Raff’s character. He was so creepy yet hilarious at the same time. Those two really stole the show for me.
This season of The Rocky Horror Show lasts until February 2015 and not even load shedding stopped the awesomeness that is this show. Well done to everyone in the cast for one of the best productions to have come out of South African theatre.
Tickets are available at Computicket.
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