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Review: The Kiffness – Kiff

The Kiffness
Kiff (Sony Music)

Breakdown: This may be the debut album for South African group The Kiffness but they’ve certainly proved that they have a lot to offer. The album was accompanied by hit singles ‘Where Are You Going’, and their latest chart smasher ‘Find A Way’ which features local rockers Shortstraw.

How Many Good Tracks: 9 of the 13.

What I Liked: Although the group have been influenced by many well-known sounds and genres, what they created in the studio is incredibly unique and just like our rainbow nation, they managed to blend these sounds and genres in a way unheard of before. The album is filled with the sounds of Africa, yet it still something so incredibly current which says something about these boys. Production-wise, the album is fantastic as well. I also like the fact that there are quite a few guests on this record. It shows that the boys thought long and hard about what each song needs to sound it’s best.

What I Didn’t Like: Sometimes it feels as, although clearly creative, the boys played it safe with some records. This can be seen my the many instruments and sounds they repeat in almost every song. Also, lyrically, some of the tracks are rather weak, but I guess the awesome production makes one forget all about that!

Best Track: Their new single ‘Find A Way’ featuring Shortstraw is a fantastic track.

Rating: 4/5

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  1. Hey El great review. Think The Kiffness are a wicked band. Guys have really a unique za sound and are about as authentic as you get. If they tapped off the gas to “safely” get it by the music industry blood suckers then so what, guys have to survive. Anyway I review your review a 4.5 out of 5 🙂 I think these guys have the depth and talent to go a long way. Broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli


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