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Review: Majozi – Fire

Majozi Fire

Fire (Universal Music)

Breakdown: He burst onto the local music scene with smash hits such as ‘Fire’, ‘Breathing’ and ‘The Greatest Love’ and now, Majozi has just dropped his debut album. Majozi brings his unique take on indie pop on the record and has recorded a great album in the process.

How Many Good Tracks: 8 of the 12.

What I Liked: It’s no secret that indie pop is one of the most popular musical genres here in South Africa. There are many acts who blend pop with elements of rock, folk and country and it’s a genre that is flourishing. Majozi has done exactly this and has released a strong debut album. The first thing that stands out on this album is Majozi’s strong, clear vocal. It reminds me a little of Matthew Mole – which is a good thing. The production on the album is really great. The songs are filled with many different sounds but don’t sound messy. In fact, each instrument used adds so much to each and every song. I also loved how he experimented with a few sub-genres here. It gives the album a bit of depth. Lyrically, Majozi has delivered the best material of his career so far and he’s impressed me with this album.

What I Didn’t Like: Majozi has written and recorded a bunch of personal songs on the album, however, I would have liked to see a little more of his personality shine through. The sound on the album tends to be a little bit generic at times. Despite this, it’s still a great piece of work.

Best Track: Fire

Rating: 3.5/5

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