He may be a newbie on the local music scene but Majozi has already proved that he is a force to be reckoned with. The singer has already released smash hits such as ‘Fire and ‘Darling’ and has just dropped his debut studio album. I sat down with the star and spoke about his new album, why he stands out and the future.
I love your hit single ‘The Greatest Love’. How is this song different than your previous singles?
Thank you so much. I wrote the song as crowd sing along. I just wanted something that was easy for everyone to remember and made them feel good at the end of it.
Why pick this song as the lead single off your debut album ‘Fire’.
I wrote the song way before I wrote all the others. So it was ready for it, and the sing a along element made it a top choice for first single
You released an EP last year. Why choose to release an EP rather than a full album first?
I think and EP is a good way of introducing yourself to the world. It gives people a little taste of who you are, and also gives a chance as musician to find exactly where you want to go with a full length album, which is pretty much what happened to me
What can your fans expect on ‘Fire’?
Expect a lot of happy uplifting songs that you would expect to hear from me, as well as some sad songs about life, love and death. I tried to be more vulnerable and deep in the album, and connect with people in all aspects of their lives.
You worked with some talented people on this album…
All the new songs were done with Hugo Ludik. He is a producing machine. It was magic working with him from day one. We worked really well together. I also worked with Vaughn Gardiner. They both pushed me to do things vocally that normally wouldn’t even try, or think of. I have few collaborations on the album with Paige Mac, 37 mph, Bafikile and Solo and Tresor.
How did your love of music begin?
I generally think that everyone is born with a love for music, but mine really caught on fire when I started playing guitar. I was 13, and finally had something that I didn’t suck to much at, and it was and still is so much fun
What do you think it is about you that sets you apart?
I don’t think there are a lot of black people paying indie folk – that always confuses people. I always make jokes about it, but it is so me and I enjoy being different. I hope it encourages people to be themselves. You are unique and there is no one else like you, and no one else can be you.
What can we expect from you over the next few months?
You can catch me playing at various venues throughout the year, and if you do come watch, please come say hi to me afterwards. I promise I’m friendly and will chat to you.
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