He wowed us with his debut self-titled album back in 2014 and now, Joshua Na Die Reën has finally released his highly anticipated follow-up album Die Wêreld Binne My. The lead single off the project is the title track which has already received a great response from radio stations all across the country which hints that Joshua is expected to be as successful with this record as he was with his debut.
Joshua has grown a lot, musically, since he dropped his first album two years ago. While the first album was all about hope, this record sings a bit of a different song. “Ever since we completed the first album, the theme of the new album has been churning in my head, being that there exists a world within each one of us that will never be understood by anyone,” he explains. “Scenes from nature and people’s stories inspire me but it all came home the day I realised that the difficult times in one’s life are more often the best gifts if only you decide to appreciate it and learn from it, otherwise it may turn into your biggest foe.”
The singer has spent months working on the tracks and revealed that although he finished writing the songs over a year ago, he wanted to make sure each and every of the 16 songs on the album told his story but still sounded great in song. “The greatest challenge is to always get the specific emotion across of what I feel when I experience the things I sing about. So things were done a little differently with this album,” he explains. “A variety of sounds and instruments were used to create the feeling and image we wanted to portray. The challenge was to not lose any effects during the mixing and mastering processes, which resulted into an extended mastering process of nearly seven months.”
Being the creative that he is, Josh also refused to record the album in a studio. He believes that one isn’t always as creative as they should be in a studio and found another way to make sure the emotion in his music was felt. “I personally made recordings with my microphone and laptop as and when I felt the inspiration,” he tells us adding that he believes that music can express emotion when words fail.
There is nothing better than an artist singing with his heart and soul and that’s exactly what happens on this album. Make sure you support local music by buying the album at your nearest music store today.
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