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Bobby Van Jaarsveld Releases The ‘Net ‘N Man’ Music Video

Bobby Van Jaarsveld hasn’t released new music since he dropped his 2015 greatest hits collection ‘Die Eerste 10 Jaar’. However, The Voice South Africa coach has been hard at work in studio working on his next studio album – and the lead single ‘Net ‘N Man’ is here!

The song has already had a successful run on radio stations around the country and it’s easy to see why. Bobby has a phenomenal voice and showcases both his lower and higher registers beautifully on the track. Bobby gives an emotional performance on the romantic love song where he tells his love that he is the one her. Bobby understands how to connect with his audiences and continues to release relatable music – one of the reasons he has become so popular within the Afrikaans community.

While Bobby plays it a little safe sonically, it’s great to hear new material from the star. The track will keep us satisfied until the star releases his highly-anticipated next studio album which is expected to be his best release yet. In the meantime, you can grab a copy of the track exclusively on the new Afrikaans is Groot Vol. 10 compilation album.

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