Earlier this month, the fourth season of Presenter Search on 3 saw six brand new faces joining the SABC 3 family. While initially looking for three new presenters to join the SABC 3 stable, judges Patience Stevens, DJ Fresh, Sbusiso Kumalo and Jeannie D were impressed by the overwhelming amount of talent and have decided to open up the industry even further by welcoming Harmony Katulondi, Ryle De Morny, Fezile Mkhize, Palesa Tembe, and Thabiso Makhubela to the SABC 3 family with Mosa Kaiser grabbing a role as Expresso’s new field presenter.
Harmony fast-became a fan-favourite during his time on Presenter Search on 3. With his elegant presenting style, incredible fashion sense and his deep, soulful voice, Harmony crept into the hearts of viewers at home and the Presenter Search on 3 judges. Overcoming every challenge that was thrown his way, Harmony proves that he has what it takes to be an incredible TV presenter – and he’s the perfect addition to the Top Billing family.
What has been the highlight of your time on Presenter Search on 3?
Having my mom be the one to tell me that I made it to the Top 10 stands out. I could just sense how proud I had made her. Her genuine happiness and joy laced with selfless love is what I felt as she celebrated me.
What has been the biggest lesson this experience has taught you?
My Presenter Search on 3 experience taught me that I got what it takes to be a great presenter and that I needed just a little polish here and there but that I am more than good enough. It also taught me not be afraid of allowing the real me to come out – that’s who and what the judges were looking for. Also, it taught me to be proud of who I am and to focus on my strengths and not my weaknesses.
How would you describe your presenting style?
Harmonious, classy and elegant yet relatable. I present like I’m your mom’s favourite son but also who you secretly want to be. A presenting style that is a beautiful blend of an amazing voice, interesting look/personality, creative play on words and genuine interest in the guest and what’s going on.
Your mother is the owner of a fashion brand, growing up with fashion as an influence, how would you describe your fashion sense?
My fashion sense can’t really be boxed but, if a description was really needed then I would say it’s an interesting harmony of what would be considered modern African couture. I’m not afraid to be very bold where as other times there’s just a touch of African print. I love my suits, dressing up and being a gentleman but I also slay in streetwear, sportswear and casual wear.
What are you going to be bringing to Top Billing?
Speaking French will allow me to add to the international flare of Top Billing. My diverse background, upbringing & curious nature will also bring an interesting perspective to the segments – not forgetting the fact that I’m an African king bringing a new age and modern African elements while opening doors to some of the treasures Africa has to offer.
Describe the moment you heard your name and were officially one of the winners of Presenter Search on 3.
Humbled. It was such a humbling feeling to have God answer your prayers and have you experience the beginning of your dream come true. It was a lot of work, learning, believing and hoping, almost like holding your breath and now I could exhale. It left me feeling so blessed.
Now that you have stepped into your role on Top Billing, have the first few episodes been everything you thought it would be or have there been a few surprises for you?
I think that winning my dream job has not sunk in yet and now that I’ve stepped into my new role as a presenter on Top Billing and done the first few episodes, I realise that I was right. This is one of the best jobs in the world. It’s been so much fun traveling, meeting such awesome people and getting to have an interview them (which I consider as actually just having a conversation with them on camera) , discovering and uncovering their stories. This, alongside eating good food and doing an activity makes for an incredibly fun time on set. But, at the end of the day, this is job after all. We work really hard to bring you the best of the good life and in order to do that, we have very interesting call times and wrap times. Sometimes we start really early and then end really late but it’s well worth it.
Do you have any pre-show rituals you do in order to prepare yourself before going live?
All I do is pray. It gives me peace and helps me focus.
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