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Review: Dan Patlansky – Introvertigo

Dan Patlansky

Dan Patlansky
Introvertigo (Independant)

Breakdown: After the success of his previous album, ‘Dear Silence Thieves’, local rocker Dan Patlansky went back into studio to record a new album. The Urban Dictionary describes Introvertigo as “The dizziness and disorientation felt by an introvert after spending more than 5 minutes with an extrovert.” On this album, Dan says “Introvertigo describes a feeling I very often experience being an introvert. The concept behind the album is very much about my own insecurities. It’s about being an introvert in the music industry, my experiences in the industry and life in general. Even though the songs on the album have different topics and are not directly about being an introvert, It comes from an introvert’s point of view.”

How Many Good Tracks: 6 of the 10.

What I Liked: The album is definitely something different. There are many rock and blues influences in the record and it’s a genre not many local acts are tapping into. The tracks are well-written and are perfect to jam along to at a live event. There is a lot of attitude on the tracks while still being some of Dan’s most personal material to date. I loved the emotion in the songs and Dan’s raspy vocals are really impressive and make his songs shine.

What I Didn’t Like: If you’re looking for commercial music from Dan Patlansky, you won’t find it on this record. Dan has also decided to stick with the blues genre throughout the record and, when listening to the record from start to finish, the songs tend to blend together.

Best Track: Loosen Up The Grip

Rating: 3/5

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