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Review: X-Men: Apocalypse


One of the best X-Men films to date.

Starring: James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence

Plot: Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto, to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven with the help of Professor X must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Remarks: I’m a big fan of the X-Men franchise. In fact, the X-Men films are my favourite superhero films ever so, naturally, I was excited for the eighth X-Men film, Apocalypse, to arrive. I might have a bit of an obsession with all things ancient Egypt and this is one of the main themes which run throughout the film as Apocalypse was trapped in a tomb before being released. This film is packed with more suspense, more action, more storylines and more special effects than ever before. We are reintroduced to X-Men such as Cyclops, Angel, Storm and Jubilee and get to know a little bit of their history. Apocalypse, played by Oscar Isaac, is a stronger, more dangerous being the X-Men have ever had to face and Oscar knocked his portrayal out of the park. Naturally, Xavier and Erik don’t see eye to eye most of the time, however, have a bond like brothers. The film focuses a lot on Erik’s life in the 10 years between this film and Days of Future Past and it really makes one sympathize with his character a lot. Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters, is fast becoming my new favourite character. He is so funny and really plays her role superbly – especially the scene where he saves students from an explosion at Xavier’s school. The storyline is strong, the characters are magnificent and it’ll leave you full of emotion – oh, and even Wolverine makes a cameo! This is a must-watch.

PS – Anyone else pissed Storm sides with evil this time around?

Rating: 5/5

X-Men: Apocalypse releases May 20th, 2016.

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