Paperwork (Sony Music)
Breakdown: American rapper T.I. has been quite over the past few years (I think him being in jail could be a huge part of this), but he’s back with his brand new album ‘Paperwork’. We’ve already seen a few hits from the album including ‘No Mediocre’ featuring Iggy Azalea and ‘New National Anthem’ featuring Skylar Grey. The album also features collaborations from Chris Brown, Young Jeezy, Rick Ross, The Dream, Pharrell and more. Pharrell also serves as executive producer on the album.
How Many Good Tracks: 12 of the 18.
What I Liked: We know T.I. is hard-core and he proves this with his new material. The beats are hard and rough and he tells the world that he is one not to be messed with. His raps, as always, are fantastic and are quite possibly the best we’ve heard from him so far. There are also heavy pop influences on this record and while many may disagree with it, I think it’s a great way to gain more fans and possibly cross the genre line.
What I Didn’t Like: As much as I love collaborations, it feels as if there are way too many on this album and that T.I. finds comfort on relying on big names when it comes to the success of his music. Also, the album feels as if it’s quite safe. T.I. sticks to what works on this album and doesn’t challenge himself creatively on the record – which is fine. I just expected a little bit more from the rapper.
Best Track: New National Anthem (Feat. Skylar Grey)
Rating: 3.5/5
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