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Review: Sheppard – Bombs Away

Bombs Away (Universal Music)

Breakdown: Their smash hit ‘Geronimo’ has been all over South African radio over the past few months and now, Australian indie band Sheppard have dropped their debut studio album. The band have become an overnight success and the world is really taking notice.

How Many Good Tracks: 9 of the 11.

What I Liked: This is a real ‘feel-good’ album, as you can tell by the record’s lead single ‘Geronimo’. This band has this freshness about them and has released what sounds like a pure, real, honest and fun album. I love the fact that the band has a female singer as well because it adds this dimension to the tracks that wouldn’t be there with only male vocals. The tracks all have a great message behind them and it’s clear that this band really took the whole album creation process seriously. Each track stands out, something which is really hard to do. You can tell there are creative brains behind this album.

What I Didn’t Like: Would it be wrong to say that I wanted more? With only 11 tracks on the album, it left me hungry for more. But hey, you know what they say, rather that than having a full album full of tracks one skips over and over again.

Best Track: Let Me Down Easy

Rating: 4/5

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