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Review: Seal – 7

7 (Warner Music)

Breakdown: He’s the British singer with the golden voice, and after a four-year hiatus and a heartbreaking divorce, Seal is back with his ninth studio album. The album is preceded by lead single ‘Every Time I’m With You’ and, once again, proves just how much of a talented artist he is.

How Many Good Tracks: 8 of the 11.

What I Liked: This album is deep. From the lyrics, to the emotion in Seal’s voice to the production. Seal had the hopes of making the listener feel something with the music on this album and the pure emotion in each and every song makes sure this happens. The singer wasn’t afraid to explore different sounds on this album. Not only does he have some beautiful ballads on the record, but he also has some disco and pop components to it. The songs are honest, pure and enchanting. An album that was definitely worth the wait.

What I Didn’t Like: There are moments on the album that sound too dated. I understand that Seal was hoping to make an album that was on par with his success in the 90’s, but some of the tracks sound like outtakes from that era.The album most probably won’t help Seal gain new fans, but the old ones will be happy.

Best Track: Life On The Dancefloor

Rating: 4/5

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