Mi Casa
Home Sweet Home (34 Music)
Breakdown: They’re one of South Africa’s biggest acts and two years after dropping their sophomore album ‘Su Casa’, J’Something, Dr. Duda and Mo-T are back with their third studio album ‘Home Sweet Home’. The record includes the group’s new single ‘Chocolat’ which has been getting a lot of hype recently.
How Many Good Tracks: 15 of the 25.
What I Liked: I love seeing true artists work and these guys are exactly that. Mi Casa are brilliant at what they do. The production on their songs is slick, groovy and sexy. A banging beat, however, means nothing if the vocals fall flat. Luckily, J’Something is a talented vocalist (one of the best in the country) and he elevates the music to a sensational place. Instrumentally, Mo-T and his trumpet steal the show on this album. He really is one talented musician and adds so much value to this group. The songs on this record are, once again, proof that Mi Casa bring the heat. Oh, and this is a double-disk filled with 25 songs! Talk about value for money.
What I Didn’t Like: The band seems to have fallen into a comfortable stage. There is nothing new, fresh or exciting about their sound on this record – it’s all something we’ve heard before. On each of their previous records, there was a standout song or two but, unfortunately, this lacks this time around.
Best Track: G&T
Rating: 3/5
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