Lana Del Rey
Honeymoon (Universal Music)
Breakdown: The girl with the golden voice, Lana Del Rey, is back with another helping of original music just over a year after dropping her previous album ‘Ultraviolence’. Singles ‘High By The Beach’ and ‘Music To Watch Boys To’ are beautiful despite not being commercial success and prove that Lana still has a lot to offer the music industry.
How Many Good Tracks: 11 of the 14.
What I Liked: There is this delicacy around Lana and her music. Sure, she can belt it out but it’s her subtle notes that really affect me in the most beautiful way. Lana’s voice is her greatest weapon and lets it shine on ‘Hollywood’. There aren’t often times when her voice is hidden behind triumphant beats and crazy production – something not many artists can do. Lana has managed to wear her heart on her sleeve and had created some of the most beautiful and personal music to date.
What I Didn’t Like: This isn’t an album for everyone. It’s quite dark and haunting and isn’t as commercially appealing as the previous two albums.
Best Track: Freak
Rating: 4/5
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