Lakota Silva
POP: The Mixtape (Just Music)
Breakdown: She’s one of the most exciting South African breakout artists of the past year and Lakota Silva, after collaborating with other artists, has finally dropped her debut album – POP: The Mixtape! The record was preceded by the smash hits ‘Do Re Mi, ‘Sweatt’ and the latest single ‘Revelation’.
How Many Good Tracks: 6 of the 10.
What I Liked: There is no-one out there like Lakota Silva at the moment. Not only does she have some bangers on the record, but she composed the tracks herself, proving just what a brilliant artist she is. Each track on the album gives us a piece of who Lakota is. Her lyrics are on point and its honest albums like these that really strike a chord with the listener. The production on the record is fantastic and I think Ameen Harron and Sketchy Bongo did a brilliant job in that regard. Vocally, Lakota does justice to each and every track proving she can sing and rap effortlessly. It’s a solid debut album.
What I Didn’t Like: Lakota is incredibly talented but I’m not sure the direction she has chosen for the record will work in her favour. Until this day I keep saying she should have taken a more pop/EDM route with her music like her track with DeaderThanDisco. I think that route would help Lakota connect with a wider audience than she has at the moment because her ‘Pop’ mixtape is edgy pop at best and not something stations like Jacaranda and 947 would necessarily jump on. I feel Lakota still hasn’t figured out who she wants to be as an artist and it shows on the record. Oh, and why is there an intro and an outro on a 10 track album?
Best Track: Sweatt is my freaking jam!
Rating: 3/5
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