Jessie J
Sweet Talker (Universal Music)
Breakdown: She rocked charts all over the world this year with her smash hit single ‘Bang Bang’ featuring Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj and although her previous album, ‘Alive’ didn’t perform as well as expected, Jessie J is back with a brand new album ‘Sweet Talker’. The album has already produced smash hits like ‘Bang Bang’, ‘Burnin’ Up’ and the new single ‘Masterpiece’.
How Many Good Tracks: 7 of the 12.
What I Liked: Oh man, Jessie J’s voice is spectacular! The album is filled with some of the best pop songs of 2014 from bangers to ballads. Jessie J has seen what the other pop stars are doing and managed to give music lovers exactly what they want. Each track sees a different side of Jessie and it reminds me a lot of her debut album.
What I Didn’t Like: Instead of writing her own material as she did with her previous two albums, Jessie turned to hit makers and although there are some great songs on the record, it feels as if Jessie J lost her essence. I get that she needs to sell records and ‘Bang Bang’ proves that it works but after putting your soul on a plate for so many singles, this time it feels so ‘marketed’.
Best Track: Sweet Talker will be a huge hit for miss Jessie J, Bang Bang is a clear winner as well.
Rating: 3/5
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