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Review: Grimes – Art Angels

Art Angels (Deluxe Edition) (Just Music)

Breakdown: Canadian singer, Grimes, is back with her fourth studio album. The album was preceded by the singles ‘Flesh Without Blood’ and ‘California’ and is the singer’s most successful album to date.

How Many Good Tracks: 9 of the 15.

What I Liked: This is one of the most artistic pop records I’ve heard in a long time. The album breaks boundaries and slips out of the normality that comes with many Top 40 hits released over the past few months. The album sees Grimes experiment with a variety of sub-genres from trap, electronic and R&B. I like how she takes risks with the songs on the album but still manages to keep an identity. Grimes is something so different and it’s that individuality that makes this album so exciting.

What I Didn’t Like: Although this is an incredibly interesting album, Grimes’ vocals let her down. Her voice lacks that punch and originality to make the songs really stand out. Grimes also really needs to work on her pronunciation. There are too many moments on the album where I struggle to hear what she is saying. Oh, and WTF is up with that album cover?

Best Track: California

Rating: 3/5

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