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Review: Elvis Blue – Êrens in die Middel van Nêrens

Elvis Blue
Êrens in die Middel van Nêrens (Coleske Artists)

Breakdown: Idols South Africa winner, Elvis Blue, is back with his fourth studio album and second Afrikaans album. The album has already seen a hit single in ‘Die Hemel’ and it’s been selling like hot cakes – proving that Afrikaans is where Elvis Blue shines.

How Many Good Tracks: 8 of the 11.

What I Liked: I am such a fan of this guy! There is something special about Elvis Blue and it’s clearly heard on this record. He doesn’t have to try too hard. His music is simple, joyful and his voice is the star of each song, rather than the production – something that is becoming less and less common. Elvis is clearly influenced by country music and his faith and this is a recurring theme throughout the album. Not only that, there are some traditional South African sounds in tracks such as ‘Al Wat Ek Weet’ which I really enjoyed as well. Lyrically, the album shines and each track manages to tell a story. It’s a fantastic album and I expect this to do great things for Elvis!

What I Didn’t Like: This is an adult contemporary album and it’s great. Elvis, however, has a huge young audience and it would have been awesome to have a song or two on the record that fit into the pop genre. That being said, the album is magic and I’ve been playing it all week!

Best Track: Langs Jou

Rating: 4/5

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