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Review: Elton John – Wonderful Crazy Night


Elton John
Wonderful Crazy Night (Universal Music)

Breakdown: He’s one of the most famous male vocalists of all time and at 69 years old, Elton John shows no signs of slowing down just yet. The singer has just released his 32nd studio album and proves that he’s still got what it takes. The album has already seen hit singles in the tracks ‘Looking Up’ and ‘Wonderful Crazy Night’ and fans will be impressed with his latest offering.

How Many Good Tracks: 6 of the 10.

What I Liked: Even after 31 albums, Elton is still able to produce music that his fans will enjoy. The album has an old-school sound to it meaning fans will definitely feel nostalgic while listening to this offering. I love that the album has a lot of country influences – especially since the genre has risen in popularity over the past few years. Each of Elton’s albums have always been fantastic instrumentally and, naturally, this album is filled with beautiful keyboard melodies and guitar solos. Lyrically, Elton brings his best and doesn’t seem to be losing creativity despite the amount of records he has released over the years.

What I Didn’t Like: Vocally, Elton does struggle at certain points of the album. When an artist of this calibre releases an album it’s always a tricky thing. While Elton wants to stay true to the music fans have come to know and love for him, he fails, at parts, to create a product fit for 2016.

Best Track: in The Name Of You

Rating: 3/5

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