Beautiful Lies (Warner Music)
Breakdown: British songstress Birdy returns with her highly-anticipated third studio album ‘Beautiful Lies’. The album was preceded by the singles ‘Keeping Your Head Up’ and ‘Wild Horses’ and gives us a new glimpse into who Birdy really is.
How Many Good Tracks: 9 of the 14.
What I Liked: I’ve known for a long time that there is something special about the 19-year-old singer. Her voice is something incredibly special and she knows exactly how to work it. Naturally, this means that there are a lot of ballads on this record – and she does them well. There is so much emotion in her voice and she captivates her audience with her tool. The songs are incredibly well-written and are very mature, however, are still believable when a 19-year-old girl is singing them. Birdy has created another fantastic record.
What I Didn’t Like: Birdy plays it a bit too safe this time around. I feel she did a bit more experimentation with her first two albums but now that she has found a sound that works for her, she doesn’t stray away too much from the piano-driven ballad sound. This means that the album tends to sound monotonous by the end of the record.
Best Track: Keeping Your Head Up
Rating: 3,5/5
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