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Review: Ariana Grande – My Everything

Ariana Grande
My Everything (Universal Music)

Breakdown: It’s her second album in less than a year and Ariana Grande is going from strength to strength. The album’s debut single, a collaboration with rapper Iggy Azalea titled ‘Problem’, threw Ariana into a new found fame and sound. The album’s second single, Break Free, also introduced Ariana fans to her dance style. The album did well in its first week proving that all eyes are on this 21-year-old beauty.

How Many Good Tracks: 7 of the 12.

What I Liked: Ariana’s debut album, Yours Truly, was a rather confusing album for me and I must be honest and say that she didn’t grab my attention. When ‘Problem’ released, this all changed. ‘My Everything’ is a more focused album and showcases her vocals beautifully and in a less Mariah Carey-ish style. The production on the album is better, the songs are catchier and over-all more polished. It’s definitely a step in the right direction for her.

What I Didn’t Like: Despite the fact that the album is more polished than the debut, the songs are lyrically weak and doesn’t manage to do much for Ariana’s artistic credit. From the first three songs, sans that annoying Intro, you can already know what you can expect on the rest of the album – the same pop nonsense you hear everywhere. Despite the average song choices, though, it’s a pretty solid album.

Best Track: The first three singles are easily the best – Problem, Break Free and Love Me Harder.

Rating: 3/5

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