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Review: 5 Seconds Of Summer – Sounds Good Feels Good

5 Seconds Of Summer
Sounds Good Feels Good (Universal Music)

Breakdown: Australian rockers, 5 Seconds Of Summer, are back with their second studio album ‘Sounds Good Feels Good’. The record includes the smash hits ‘Hey Everybody!’ and ‘She’s Kinda Hot’ and the lads seem as if the road to superstardom is closer than they thought!

How Many Good Tracks: 9 of the 14.

What I Liked: There is no one like 5 Seconds Of Summer in the industry at the moment. The band has old-school elements of bands like Good Charlotte and Simple Plan but mix elements of edgy pop into their music. Therefore, the band can’t be compared to boy bands like One Direction anymore because they have a unique spin on punk rock music and strays away from the more pop sound they had on their debut album. Production-wise, the boys created one kick-ass album. Instrumentally, the album is fast, fun and filled with high-energy drum beats and electric guitar riffs. The tracks are all catchy anthems and it’s that which has helped the band as big as they are today. The band has grown dramatically since their debut album and it’s their new maturity that helps the boys take their music to the next level.

What I Didn’t Like: The album has one sound and doesn’t stray too far from it. Although this sound works for the band, the tracks become repetitive at times. Lyrically, many of the songs have almost cringe-worthy moments and it’s an aspect of the record that brings down the quality. I would have also liked to hear more ballads from the boys.

Best Track: Castaway

Rating: 3.5/5

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