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Loki Rothman – Under The Stars

Local singer, Loki Rothman, is a busy man! Not only does he travel the country as Jack Parow’s guitar player, but he is also promoting his debut studio album ‘The Way Back’ as well as his brand new guitar instrumental DVD ‘Syndactyly’. Loki also dropped the brand new single off his album this week titled ‘Under The Stars’ and has a kick-ass video to support it!

Loki’s music is unlike anything out in the local music industry at the moment. While it’s definitely got a pop focus, the singer adds elements of acoustic, rock and electronic music to his mix. Loki is also incredibly talented in the fact that he sings, writes and produces his own music. “The song is about seeing a relationship go to waste after you’ve done everything you can to save it,” Loki says on the track.

The singer’s delicate vocals add a level of vulnerability to the track while allowing the artist to show off both his vocals and emotions. I love the message of the song because I think it’s something almost everyone can identify with. Loki is a brilliant talent and we support him all the way! Support local music and buy the song on iTunes today!

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