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5FM and Nick Hamman Support #TalkSignDay With Inspiring Signed Charlie Puth Track

Nick Hamman

This warmed my heart this morning. While listening to Hamman Time on 5FM this morning, Nick Hamman and producer Michael Bossenger spoke about Talk Sign Day and it’s importance. However, they took the campaign to a new level. After asking the public to vote, Charlie Puth’s smash hit ‘One Call Away’ was chosen to be signed to by DTV’s Candice Morgan and man, did it move me. Now, Nick is calling on you guys to send through your signed versions of the Charlie Puth track. Check out this post by Warner Music South Africa for more info:

It's #TalkSignDay today and to celebrate, 5FM's Nick Hamman asked his listeners for a suggestion of a song to sign….

Posted by Warner Music South Africa on Friday, March 11, 2016

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